Do healthy people need to consume fish oil?
2021-02-19 02:00
Fish oil is a dietary supplement, mainly used to supplement omega-3. Omega-3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, mainly including ALA, EPA, and DHA.
Does my baby need a vitamin D supplement?
2021-02-19 02:00
It depends on whether you breast-feed your baby or how much vitamin D-fortified formula or cow's milk your baby is drinking.
How to choose fish oil?
2021-02-19 02:00
Three points for choosing fish oil Pay attention to the purity of omega-3, the form of omega-3 fatty acids, and whether the product is certified when choosing fish oil.
Liquid Vs. Capsules
2021-02-19 02:00
The body does not need to break down a liquid extract, allowing more of the medicinal properties to be absorbed into the system. This makes the extraction much more powerful than a capsule or tablet. In order for any nutrients to reach the cells of the body, it must be liquid or suspended in a solution.
Oxidative Stress and Male Infertility
2021-02-19 02:00
Infertility has affected approximately 10–15% of the population worldwide and has shown an increasing trend from the last decade. The Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (ROS/RNS) are involved in the aetiology of infertility, especially in male infertility.
What is NMN?
2021-02-19 02:00
Aging is the key factor that causes various chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. In 2019, the textbook "Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing" summarized decades of research on aging and attributed the mechanism of aging to two main causes: the damage of oxidative free radical and the decrease NAD+ levels.
What is Natural Product Number (NPN)?
2021-02-19 02:00
Canada is one of the countries with the most stringent health supplement management in the world. NPN (Natural Product Number) is a certification number for Canadian all-natural health products.