What is NMN?
2021-02-19 02:00

What is NMN?

Aging is the key factor that causes various chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. In 2019, the textbook "Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing" summarized decades of research on aging and attributed the mechanism of aging to two main causes: the damage of oxidative free radical and the decrease NAD+ levels.

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is used for metabolism, resisting free radicals and mitochondrial DNA damage. It plays an important role in maintaining cell metabolism and cell repair. After 30 years old, the NAD+ level in the human body will show a downward trend with age. The reduction of NAD+ impairs the cells ability to produce energy which leading to aging and disease. NAD+ has large molecular weight and cannot be directly taken orally into cells for supplementation. The supplement of NAD+ can only be achieved by taking in NAD+ precursor substances with a smaller molecular weight.

With the continuous advancement of technology, the research team headed by Dr. David A. Sinclair has proven that NMN is the most direct and effective way to supplement NAD+ after more than 10 years of unremitting efforts and scientific research. There is a famous experiment. David’s team performed an experiment on a mouse that was 22 months old, which is equivalent to the age of a human being 60 years old. After taking NMN for a week, the cell activity level of this mouse was restored to after birth. The state of 6 months is equivalent to the age of 20 years of human beings. Because of this amazing discovery, David. Sinclair was selected as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" by Times magazine.

According to the world's authoritative academic journals "Science", "Nature" and "Cell", NMN can not only resist aging (extend life), repair genetic genes (DNA), catalyze the production of more than 95% of the energy required for life activities, but also Improve sleep, regulate immunity, etc.

In clinical trials, NMN successfully extended the lifespan of mammals by 30%. In the following 10 years, top international scientific research institutions (Harvard University, Washington University, Keio University, Japan, etc.) evaluate and research on this aspect confirmed that NMN is the world's first "longevity factor" that has been scientifically proven to reverse mammalian aging.

The efficacy of NMN

1. Help human body cells to synthesize NAD+

2. Enhance human endurance and vitality

3. Repair DNA damage

4. Support energy metabolism

5. Promote metabolism

6. Activate the longevity protein gene SIRTUINS

7. Improve muscle physiology

8. Helps with weight management

9. Assist the brain and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular

10. Assist high insulin patients
