What is Natural Product Number (NPN)?
2021-02-19 02:00

What is Natural Product Number (NPN)?

Canada is one of the countries with the most stringent health supplement management in the world. NPN (Natural Product Number) is a certification number for Canadian all-natural health products. The Canadian government has stipulated that all health foods sold in Canada must strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations of Health Canada after 2013 and ensure the products with safe, effective and high-quality guarantees before they can pass the Health Canada Natural Health Products Management Committee (Health Canada, NHPD). Only after obtaining the certification and an eight-digit natural product number NPN can it be put on sale. A product without this eight-digit code means that the product cannot be advertised and sold in the name of health care products in North America.

The first letter "N" of the NPN code stands for natural. The first condition for NPN certification is to use pure natural raw materials. This raw material regulatory standard is the most stringent in the North American market and is unique in the world. Government will "nationalize" the review and interpretation of key elements such as the functions, efficacy and side effects of health products. The responsibility that health care product manufacturers need to bear is only to make the products meet the application requirements and obtain the “official approval” label. According to the GMP standard to produce qualified products.

After repeated tests by the Health Canada, a large number of health products have been eliminated. Products that can obtain the NPN number can provide complete and detailed product information to the Health Canada, including ingredients, sources, dosages and strengths, and recommended intake Relevant detailed information such as methods. Give consumers the guarantee of quality, purity and efficiency and to provide effective and high-quality pure natural health products.

Therefore, the eight-digit NPN product number is like an ID card for supplement. Consumers know that the product has been approved and reviewed by Health Canada and can buy with confidence.
